Board of Trustees June 2014 Meeting

Stakeholders from the community come together to create action steps and get together some educational points to share with the community, as we are soon to have our first “Recreational Pot Shop” in town. It is still illegal for minors under 21 to use marijuana.

Parents are still the authority that kids listen to, even if they act like they aren’t listening. Have the conversation about healthy choices and the developing brain in adolescents. Marijuana has been proven to be addictive and even more so with youth, so it’s important to share these facts. 1 in 6 youth that use marijuana will become addicted.

The Good News, most youth in Washington State don’t use marijuana! Let’s work to keep it that way:) With the legalization of marijuana for adults coming this July, access to pot will be increased for youth (and pets, that’s another article:) Please help to keep pot out of the hands and mouths of our youth (and pets:).

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