This year’s theme was Prevention is EPIC: Empower, Promote, Innovate, Collaborate and that’s exactly what we did! San Juan, Lopez and Orcas Islands sent youth and Prevention Coalition leader’s to the Summit to gain new skills, knowledge, confidence and friendships!

San Juan Island, Lopez Island and Orcas Island youth and Prevention Leaders at the WA. State Prevention Summit 2012
Watch for these youth in your community as they start to offer projects and support of their Prevention Coalitions.
Rock Solid, from San Juan Island will be working towards a “Community Dance” this Spring. If you are interested, please call us! This is not your ordinary dance, we want to invite our elders of our community to the dance and have them share their dances and music from their youth! We are in the planning stages, so if you have an interest in helping, we’d like to hear from you. 378-9683. Thank you!