We hope this new year brings good health, joy, connections, and a positive outlook to you and yours! Envision the positive!

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Cynthia Stark-Wickman, Executive Coordinator and Brad Fincher, Chair, help to earn matching funds donated at SJC Fair through the generous support of the SJI Community Foundation a few years ago. The SJIPC was one of their highlighted charities that summer. We thank them for their support!
Properly dispose of unwanted medicines at 5 permanent local locations in San Juan County. Click Photo for locations.
Click on logo for resources from CADCA. Building Drug-Free Communities!
Get more resources or sign up for their Award Winning Newsletter. Click on logo.
Zoom Meetings for COVID19 Support ALL INVITED!
Check out the schedule!
The Athena Forum ~ Wellness resources!
Help our Youth to be Drug-Free!
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