About Us

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Contact us at 360-370-7549  natalien@sanjuancountywa.gov and media@sjipc.org 


The goal of the Coalition is to strengthen community collaboration to reduce substance abuse among youth.

Collaboration makes us stronger! Community Dinner and Drum event was a huge success and fun!

We partner with the local Food for Thought Program, part of the FHHS, and it makes for a delicious combination!  We value our partnership and found that our community likes to come out and dine together, especially when the food is prepared from local farms and businesses.

We’ve had community drum events, contra dancing and family game nights incorporated with our Community Dinners! Research shows, families that eat together have children that do better in school, less likely to use alcohol & drugs, and less likely to skip school! Dining together makes a difference!

To carry out our mission the Prevention Coalition brings together community organizations and members to promote and support awareness of drug & alcohol problems. The Coalition supports the schools and other island groups in their efforts to educate parents and youth, provide healthy activities for youth and encourage good decision making.

The Coalition is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and was funded through a 10 year grant from the US Drug-Free Communities Support Program Grant as well as local donations. We have competed this grant in September 2014. We are now funded through the Washington State’s Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery. The SJIPC is not temperance organization but is dedicated to reducing substance abuse on San Juan Island. Please join us!

May 19, 2014- UPDATE

SAMHSA is the source of our continuation of funding to support the work of the coalition from July 2013 through September 2018 through Washington State’s Department of Behavioral Health and Recovery’s Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative, which includes the Partnership for Success grant.   From 2003-2014, San Juan Island Prevention Coalition has been supported by the Office of National Drug Control and Policy’s federal grant, Drug Free Communities Support Program, which is managed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration.


SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)

CSAP works with States and communities to develop comprehensive prevention systems that create healthy communities in which people enjoy a quality life. This includes supportive work and school environments, drug-and crime-free neighborhoods, and positive connections with friends and family. The role of prevention is to create healthy communities in which people have a quality of life:

Healthy environments at work and in school Supportive communities and neighborhoods Connections with families and friends Drug and crime-free.



Welcome to the Athena Forum

The Athena website is created for prevention professionals to develop, update, and sustain their substance abuse prevention work.

You can find general information about substance abuse prevention on this site or get specific documents and tools like sample agendas and surveys. You can also access prevention discussions and online training opportunities.

September 2014 -SJIPC is supported by funds from the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery.


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