Rachel’s Challenge

Rachel was a kind person. She tried to include others into her circle of friends, even if it wasn’t popular. Rachel was a good role model and a beautiful soul.

Last year, we were able to raise the funds to have a Rachel’s Challenge speaker come to our community and schools to share Rachel’s inspiring yet tragic story. We are still feeling and seeing the ripple effect of this event! Local students started clubs at various schools and wanted to be more like Rachel, start a chain reaction with kindness and compassion. How are you doing with this challenge?

Never underestimate the power of the word hello or a kind gesture.  You could make the difference in someone else’s life, really!

Rachel’s Challenge     Always thank our sponsors for their support! The San Juan Island Prevention Coalition, The San Juan Island Community Foundation, PTA FHES, PTSA FHMS and FHHS, Island Rec STAR Program, Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church/Lighthouse Preschool.

Signing the Kindness Banner at FHES, part of Rachel’s Challenge. This banner is displayed in the cafeteria for a reminder of our pledge towards each other. Teachers and students signed the banner together!

Hugs, it breaks down the barriers. It was part of their training exercise in the peer-to-peer training session.

Our RC Presenter, Ian, was amazing! The youth really engaged him as he shared Rachel’s story and her passion for helping others. Kindness, pass it on!


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