Youth Engagement Guide – Foundations for Healthy Generations

A note from Julie Peterson…

I’m pleased to inform you that the updated version of the Youth Engagement Guide  is post on our website and available for your use! We have incorporated suggestions from youth around the state-including updated information about voter registration. I am grateful for the assistance of Peggen Frank for permission to use a biography of Nisqually Tribal member, Native American environmental leader, and treaty rights activist, Billy Frank, Jr. I hope that youth who learn about Mr. Frank’s extraordinary life are inspired on their own advocacy journey. To quote Mr. Frank, “Everyone Needs to See a Future.”

My thanks to Edgar Lopez-Baez for his amazing graphics skills!

Please reach out to us with any questions or suggestions.

In this season of gratitude, please know we are grateful for you and all the work you do!

Warm regards,


Julie Peterson | Executive Director (preferred pronouns she/her/hers)

Foundation for Healthy Generations

2132 3rd Ave, #226 | Seattle, WA | 98121

P 206.824-2907| C 206.715.3116 |E  


We believe that people and communities thrive when all are healthy, included and connected.


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