May 16th Proclaimed Distracted Driving Awareness Day for Friday Harbor & San Juan County

Last year, both the Mayor of Friday Harbor, Carrie Lacher and San Juan County Councilman, Bob Jarmin, Proclaimed MAY 16th to be our communities Distracted Driving Awareness Day.

As you may recall, we had the Arrive Alive Tour come visit our local high school and over 200 teens got to experience the driving simulator on Distracted Driving. Many teens were especially impacted by their inability to watch the road and text while driving the simulator. A pre and post test were given by the Arrive Alive Team and the data supports the effectiveness of these types of events. Attached are those results. 

Friday Harbor-San Juan Island Prevention Coalition-5-16-14-Survey Results

Here are a few photos from that day… What habits are you changing when behind the wheel, so you are not distracted?



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